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Anis Annisa Maryam

Social Media Manager

Anis Annisa Maryam (or just ‘Annisa’) was born in Bandung, Indonesia. Her multitude of experiences of over 6 years in the Indonesian art scene is ranging from student artist; children art teacher; museum manager; gallerist; and academic researcher. Annisa received her Bachelor’s Degree (2013) and Master’s Degree cum laude (2017) in Intermedia Art and Art History from Bandung Institute of Technology and subsequently received a full grant from MEXT Japan as a research fellow in the Department of Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts (2017-2018).

She is now an aspiring essayist and freelance researcher, manager & maker based in Vancouver, Canada and Bali, Indonesia. As a new steward of 30 plants in her apartment, Inside Green is the perfect platform to explore her newfound passion!

What do you do for Inside Green?

I'm the content creator for Inside Green social media. I love doing public relations, engagement and events for and with plant people in Vancouver!

Do you have a significant plant in your life?

I have three very healthy, lush and beautiful golden pothos (one in the bedroom and two in the living room). The first plants that gave me the confidence that I can nurture living things in my own private space.

Do you sing to your plant?

Yes, I even make my own watering theme song!